I recently heard a story that really got me to thinking here at ManagerPlus. When I heard it, I immediately realized that it likely wasn’t a one-off incident, but rather something that I should look into further.  Let’s see if this sounds familiar:

A Great Idea

Our story starts with a company that was already operating on the ManagerPlus platform. They were using it to plan their maintenance but were using a human employee to input all their work order information into their system manually. (For more on why this can be detrimental, check out this post). When they realized what they could gain from implementing the ManagerPlus Mobile App, the company leaders got really excited.

Proposals were written. Presentations were made. Funding was granted. Everything was on track to make some radical upgrades to the way they did business.

The Slow Down

The first issues started to raise their head when it came time to train on the new process Now, it wasn’t the platform itself. There were a lot of different departments, and a lot more employees were going to get mobile licenses to ManagerPlus. They just needed the education to know what they were doing. Tools are no good if no one knows how to use them.

The problem was, no one cared.

The front-line employees always found other things to do, or they would download the app and then never open it. They just didn’t want to use it.

Sure, using a mobile app sounded good to the C-suite in their offices upstairs. But, when push came to shove, everyone downstairs thought it just sounded like more work. It was more things to remember, more hoops to jump through, and more micro-managing.

I get it. To a technician, having to use a mobile app can feel invasive. It can feel like “corporate” doesn’t trust them, is spying on them, or is trying to regulate everything.

While it’s true that the ManagerPlus mobile app grants management a clearer view of what their employees are doing, the simple truth is our mobile app was designed with the mobile employee in mind.

Work Made Easier

At ManagerPlus, we work to understand the experience that all our users will have as they go about their work. We want to make sure our app integrates smoothly into your daily operations. What is more, we work to ensure the ManagerPlus Mobile App will enhance your work rather than complicate it.

Work Orders

The ManagerPlus Mobile allows you to better track the work that is being assigned and completed. It also allows employees to access their work from anywhere. They don’t have to write down their personal assignments from the work board or pick them up from the printer. When they do inspections, they can record them on their mobile devices and automatically generate work orders based on failed inspection points. When those work orders are assigned to an employee, they can see the details from the inspection from their mobile devices. This automates communication and eliminates the potential for errors.


Using the app allows employees to take better accountability of their work. This is able to occur through the mobile app rather than through questioning:

You can clock in and out of work orders, so supervisors know exactly how much time it took you. You can document comments and concerns and describe what you did. You can attach pictures and documents to a work order so your supervisor can see for himself what you were talking about.

Faster, better, easier

When used right, the mobile app helps employees eliminate time-consuming busy work. That means less time filling out paperwork, and more time doing work that matters. This creates a powerful cultural shift in the organization that brings everyone into alignment. For the people looking at the reports and dashboards, they know that the information they are looking at is up-to-date and accurate. For the people performing the maintenance, they can finally get rid of the paperwork and move on with their work.

An Extra Push

shutterstock_249640810_workers-being-trained-in-a-facility-environment_5_21_19Sometimes, your organization needs a little help getting everyone on board. If this sounds like you, reach out to your Account Manager. They can help you get in touch with our Professional Services Team. Either they can go to you or you can come to our offices to get the training you need to finish integrating mobile with your ManagerPlus platform into your organization.

If you’re considering an asset management platform, we have amazing onboarding specialists to make sure that everyone on your team gets up and running.

ManagerPlus has incredible benefits to offer to everyone in your organization, regardless of where their job role. Recognizing those benefits and training your employees to use them is crucial to getting the most out of your ManagerPlus platform. Whether you are considering ManagerPlus for the first time, or a veteran to our platform, let us help you get started today with transforming your business for the better.

About the author


ManagerPlus is the preferred solution across the most asset-intensive industries, including Fortune 500 companies, to improve reliability and minimize downtime.
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