Humidity: How It Can Affect Facilities and What to Do About It

Recent years have seen record setting temperatures—both high and low—across the globe, posing unique challenges for facility managers. Temperature alone, however, can be a superficial measure of facility climate. Humidity is as important as raw temperature data for facility managers, as moisture levels that are too high or too low can cause serious problems for the people, machines and products associated with facilities. Facility managers must maintain humidity levels to ensure that people are comfortable and safe from toxic molds and slick floors and surfaces. Machines and products must also be protected from damaging extremes of temperature and moisture in order to extend their useful life and prevent dangerous, costly malfunctions.

Here are a few checks and tips for regulating humidity:

+ What to look for. Managers should be sure to include routine checks for cracks and other openings that may be allowing air to flow into facilities and alter humidity Continue reading “Humidity: How It Can Affect Facilities and What to Do About It”

Importance & Benefits of Maintenance Management

Our guest blog this week comes from One More Pallet, an innovative freight and shipping company, who provide a breakdown of the key arguments in favor of a thorough, proactive maintenance routine.

By Max Snyder

No matter what type of firm you are, maintenance is key.

For this blog, I have decided to highlight two important types of maintenance.

  1. Equipment maintenance
  2. Workforce maintenance

(There are others: budgeting, managing inventory, scheduling, etc.)

These two core assets, equipment and workforce, also support your operations, another important area of maintenance. It is easy to put off maintenance as something that is second priority. However, this is the wrong decision.

Here are a few comparisons:

A wise body builder once told me: “It’s easier to maintain your physical stature than it is to regain it.” Continue reading “Importance & Benefits of Maintenance Management”

Maintaining Corrugated Roofs: Preventing White Rust

ManagerPlus is pleased to kick off our new guest blog series with this excellent piece on white rust prevention by Corrugated Metals, Inc. Check back regularly for more expert content covering a broad range of industries.


+Corrugated roofing and siding is popular with homeowners and businesses alike, thanks to beneficial attributes such as long life, easy installation, and low maintenance requirements.  Most corrugated products are made from galvanized steel.  Galvanization is the process of applying a thin layer of zinc on the surface of the metal to protect it from rust (oxidization) and corrosion.

Galvanized steel products are designed to last for many years in roofing and siding applications.  However, it is very important to know that packaged bundles of corrugated products must be stored indoors, in a dry environment. Improper storage of stacked sheets (i.e. outdoors, or in environments where moisture can form between sheets) exposes galvanized steel to white zinc corrosion, or “white rust”. White rust is the result of electrolytic action which takes place between the steel sheets when water exists without oxygen. Continue reading “Maintaining Corrugated Roofs: Preventing White Rust”